Celebrate your Marriage with a Personalized, Inspiring and Memorable Wedding Ceremony
From the Beach to the ‘Berg, up and down the coast, bush lodges and game reserves, tranquil lakes and private homes, all over KZN and beyond.
Tiaras or T-shirts, classic or creative, funky or formal, intimate gathering or stadium spectacular.
It’s your wedding – it’s your choice.
I would be honored to guide you through the ceremony you want, the one that you know expresses everything you want to say, do and be as you set out on your life together.
“Your wedding, your way”
The guiding philosophy at The Wedding Celebrant is that the ceremony belongs to the couple. It is your special moment to express to each other what you intend your marriage to be.
Weddings are surrounded by many traditions, but there is no need to comply with expectations. Apart from the legally required parts (which are very few) feel free to be as creative as you like, or, if you prefer, be as traditional as you like. It is truly up to you.
From R6100 including up to 200km free travel.
If you can, why not take advantage of a weekday wedding? Not only do most venues and service providers have lower rates on weekdays, but it is also an opportunity to celebrate your marriage with an informal gathering of your closest family members and friends.
(Weekdays do not include public holidays)
From R3850 including 100km free travel.
This is a marriage registration as you would have if you went to the Department of Home Affairs to have you marriage registered – with the very big plus that it is not conducted in a Home Affairs office.
It is most suited to a couple who don’t want any form of gathering or ceremony, or who are planning a full ceremony at a later date.
Some couples want to have a family friend conduct their wedding ceremony who is not a licensed marriage officer – in which case they would choose to have their marriage registered this way before the ceremony.
The legalization includes the basic requirements to solemnize a marriage, although you may exchange wedding rings if you would like to.
Legal Registrations are conducted in Hillcrest, Durban but they can also be conducted in your home or venue of your choice.
(Legal Registrations are not available on weekends or public holidays).
From R2850 (travel excluded).
*Free travel as indicated
*The legal requirements to solemnize a marriage according to South African law
*The submission of all documents to the Department of Home Affairs
*Issuing an official Marriage Certificate in terms of Section 12 (3) of the Civil Union Act of 2006 .
Give me a call – let’s talk about making this the ceremony that is you and about you.
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